Candidate Number


Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My film contains typical codes and convention. In a thriller film there are many close ups which tells the story of what’s going on. In my own film I tried to emulate this which I think gave the desired effect in the short two minute window. Another typical aspect of a thriller is the use of fast paced editing which as the editor I ensured to include this. Our primary role in this two minute opening sequence was to establish the roles within the film, to set a clear protagonist and antagonist line. There are no clear antagonists in the opening sequence but are multiple opposing characters towards our main character John. The cinematography of the films includes many close ups, which creates tension and suspense. Close ups of the Johns face and the briefcase he clutches creates a connection between the two. Enigmas are also a key feature for thriller films. In the beginning of my media product there is a voice over representing a phone call. The person speaking on the phone is not seen, as another scene is played at the same time referring to the relationship between them. A mysterious caller can be always used in thriller films. This style can be compared to the thriller film Phone Booth.

Title Of The Film

The title of the film plays a significant role in the opening sequence of the film. The font which I used was called impact font. The sound which accompanied the entrance of title was an explosion sound effect. This was effective as it created a sense of danger which fits within the codes and conventions of a thriller. The title of the film has its own frame and is not shared with anything else but a plain black background which stands out on the white title. This signals the importance of the title sequence which makes sure the audience does not miss out on the name. This is definitely supported by the explosion effect.

Costume and Props

In the frame below with the hooded man represents costume. The hooded jumper which the character is wearing can be associated with crime which is playing to stereotype of a thug. This can be seen here in this picture. The reason why we chose the hooded jumper is because it might relate to our target audience which they can familiarize with. Teenagers like to wear hoodies
as it it is fashionable. But at the same time the older generation may associate someone wearing a hoody as some one up to no good. Hoodies have a double entendre to people.

This is the prop which was used in the opening sequence. The briefcase represents a sense of enigma which makes the audience think what’s inside. The reason why this prop was used as it was small and compact and easy for our character to hold and run with.


My location was an interior location which we used the Havering College Premises A Block. The reason why I choose to set it mainly in corridors is because I it would be more convenient for my character to hide in from his pursuers. Also it is not your typical location where something like this would take place. The look of the place is dull and not very exciting compared to what is going on which does not distract from the main action.The over half of the opening was filmed on a set of stairs leading up to the corridors.

Special Effects

In my production in visual terms there were no special effects. We didn’t think it was necessary for the opening sequence and the mood. Whereas for the audio special effects there were a number which included the dramatic heart beat and the bone crack when John jumps down the stairs. Also at the start of the title sequence with the explosion.

How Characters are introduced

The characters in my media product are introduced in different ways. The first characters to be introduced in my opening sequence are two hired criminals who meet up for to find John. They do not take up the screen but share it with part of the title sequence. This builds up to how the main character John is introduced to the audience. The next frame is him crouching hiding from his pursuers. This frame tells the audience that he is under pressure and vulnerable which typical of a thriller. This frame here is John crawling away from danger.

Genre and How the Opening Suggests it

In this frame you can see the protagonist John is running down the corridor away from danger. The frames tells you something fast paced is happening, which is what the opening sequence is about. Thus telling the audience that there is a lot in store and it's an exciting thriller. I feel I have conveyed all the successful codes and conventions of a thriller in the opening such as fast paced sequences.

Evalution 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our protagonist can be compared to the character from the British crime film “1 day”. Similarities between the two characters are that they are constantly under attack and under pressure. In the picture above we see the character from “1 Day” Flash looking over his shoulder for any danger. On the right we have The Package character John doing the same thing. Their personalities are very similar as they do not give up so easily and are strong willed. Differences between the characters is that Flash embraces his criminal lifestyle, whereas John is trying to get out and away from that kind of life. Every character has at least one major flaw; John’s flaw would be taking too much on.