Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My film contains typical codes and convention. In a thriller film there are many close ups which tells the story of what’s going on. In my own film I tried to emulate this which I think gave the desired effect in the short two minute window. Another typical aspect of a thriller is the use of fast paced editing which as the editor I ensured to include this. Our primary role in this two minute opening sequence was to establish the roles within the film, to set a clear protagonist and antagonist line. There are no clear antagonists in the opening sequence but are multiple opposing characters towards our main character John. The cinematography of the films includes many close ups, which creates tension and suspense. Close ups of the Johns face and the briefcase he clutches creates a connection between the two. Enigmas are also a key feature for thriller films. In the beginning of my media product there is a voice over representing a phone call. The person speaking on the phone is not seen, as another scene is played at the same time referring to the relationship between them. A mysterious caller can be always used in thriller films. This style can be compared to the thriller film Phone Booth.


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